Sunday, July 19, 2009

Koi Pond WIP 2

Here's an updated photo of the Koi painting. I'd really like some critique on it, especially regarding the composition. Although at this stage, I'm open to just about any feedback.

There are a few things I see that need to be changed, but I'm really interested in what other people have to say. I'll probably add my thoughts in later, but I don't want to influence other opinions yet.

In case anyone is interested, here's the photo I'm using as my main reference right now. I shot it at the gristmill when there was still ice on the ground. It was not taken specifically for this project, but it's working pretty well as a rough reference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the painting. I kept coming back to it. I find it very soothing to look at and it is an interesting view.