Saturday, July 16, 2011

Robot Sketches

I was chatting with my roommate this afternoon and she mentioned that she's like to make a little robot for her next 3d modeling project.  I ended up fooling around with the idea bit.

I had way too much fun with the little robots.

Robot Sketches #1

A lot of them ended up with little stories as I worked.  The little guy at the top left is named "Puppy."  He serves no useful purpose.  Instead, he walks around the engineer's shop biting and chomping anything that gets too close.  The head engineer keeps threatening to turn Puppy into scrap, but everyone knows he'll never actually do it.

The robot on the right is a crusher robot.  He can flip his arms around to the front which allows him to pick up scrap, which he then places in his steal jaws to crush it down to a smaller size for storage.  His tracks allow him to navigate large piles of rubble.

 Robot Sketches #2

The top robot on page two is a magnet worker.  His large magnetic feet allow him to walk up walls and on ceilings to preform tasks and retrieve parts otherwise inaccessible to humans. The joint at the top of the leg is also the hinge for his mouth, allowing him to open his "mouth" 180 degrees.  This opening doesn't actually function as a mouth (he's unable to speak but excellent at following direction).  Instead, it's a place for him to carry objects.  By keeping parts and tools inside his head, he's able to keep both hands free for more efficient task performance.  As you can see in the sketch to his right, he's also able to flip his head upside down for when he's walking on a ceiling.

Like I said...  too much fun with robots!  I may play around with these a bit more later.  It felt really good to do some drawing.  Photography has just been eating all of my free time lately, but I do love good old pencil and sketchbook work.