Monday, May 9, 2011

Couple of Drawings

A real update!  Who'd have thought?!?

Here are a couple of new drawings I did for an MSPCA art show and fundraiser.  I haven't done much with charcoal in a while, and I'd forgotten just how much I love it.  I generally start by working in powdered charcoal, adding and erasing until I get roughly what I'm looking for, and then I start adding in the darks with compressed charcoal.  The last thing I did was add those highlights with white charcoal since the white just doesn't erase as nicely as regular charcoal does.  With white charcoal, you pretty much have to get it right on the first try.  This might be partly because I already have regular charcoal everywhere - all over myself, the floor, the walls, the red dog - by the time I get around to breaking out the white charcoal.

Labrador Retriever Portrait 

I'm thinking about doing a series of these charcoal dog portraits (like the above portrait of the Lab).  I really enjoy doing them and they actually go pretty quickly.  This guy only took about 2 hours.  The original Labrador Retriever Portrait is available so if you're interested in purchasing it, send me an email.

Beagle Sketch

Beagle Sketch is just a little 8x10 charcoal drawing that I did as a donation to the MSPCA Hair of the Dog fundraiser.  Nothing special, just some more messing around with powdered and compressed charcoal.  original is sold, but prints are available if you're interested.

New Website

Between starting the pet photography business and getting laid off from my 9-5 last January, life has been a little hectic, to say the least. So things have definitely been slow on the fine art front.

However, I did manage to get a fine art website up and running.
Check it out:

Let me know if you have any feedback about the website!  Also, I there are a number of originals for sale.  If you see a price in the lower right corner, then that original is available.  Even if you don't see a prices, prints are available for pretty much everything you see on the website.

This blog is the next thing that desperately due for a makeover!